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Equilibre is a multi-strategy growth capital platform, partnering with growing businesses to reach their full potential. A hybrid between private equity investor, financial advisor, and operating partner, Equilibre assumes direct equity positions in portfolio assets, and actively participates alongside business principals in building for success.

We take a long term view on prospective investments, and believe that value is created the old fashioned way: carefully choosing partners, properly aligning incentives, crafting a winning strategy, and committing. Real value isn’t built overnight, but with patience, diligence, and hard work — ultimately leading to the generation of highly stable, and reliable cash flows.

Investments and prospective partners have come from a variety of industries and asset life cycles. We understand that opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Equilibre is sector, geography, and risk agnostic with the flexibility to participate in any attractive opportunity.

Anchor: About


Year Established








Equilibre is as much partner as investor. Beyond providing growth capital, Equilibre principals sit on asset boards, actively help shape business strategy, and participate in ongoing operations. As co-shareholder, Equilibre sits squarely on the business side of the table advising, representing and negotiating on behalf of portfolio assets in interactions with capital markets and commercial counterparties.

Traditional private equity and venture capital investing tends to be constrained by capital market realities. Venture capital firms typically play in higher risk, emerging spaces, where a substantial number of their portfolio investments ultimately end up being written off.  As a result, VC investors generally pursue higher return potential, disruptive, scalable assets—with a culture of fast-paced boom or bust, and the restrictive, investor friendly, investment covenants required to make that risk profile work.

Private equity, even at the smaller cap scale, tends to deploy capital in pooled and netted investment vehicles, where a single asset failure can wipe out the entire value of the investor’s fund. The result is restrictions on the types of assets private equity investors can invest in, and a tendency to avoid risk at all cost, focusing on larger, proven, cash yielding businesses.

Equilibre seeks to bring together the best of both: a culture of partnership, commitment, aligned interests and incremental growth, in asset classes and at asset life cycles where growth can be rapid and material.


In investing, as in building businesses, value must come from somewhere. While some investors look for quick returns from excess leverage, market cycle movements, opportunistic acquisitions, or exiting to uninformed acquirers, Equilibre believes returns should come from growing cash flows; just creating a more valuable underlying business.

We look forward to meeting you.

Anchor: Our philosophy


Equilibre Capital has a broad investment mandate that focuses on the attractiveness of the opportunity, rather than the shape of the peg. Whatever their form, Equilibre assets typically exhibit:

  • Substance over Hype. Underlying business has the potential to be enduring with identifiable characteristics to create a cogent long-term sustainable competitive advantage

  • Compelling Action Plan. Articulated value-creation strategy to implement or improve company performance, where our capital, skills, and expertise provide the opportunity to generate significant value for the business 

  • Path to Robustness. Either cash flow positive business, or with a reasonable plan to achieve cash flow sustainability with a single round of capital, and not multiple indefinite future series fundraising rounds 

We seek to engage opportunities involved in the following stages of development and transaction types:

Enable a company to create, improve, and implement its business plan, growth strategy, or infrastructure building activities 

Real asset or core-plus infrastructure assets in favorable emerging market regions where private equity returns exist for opportunistic or traditional investment grade-like underlying assets


Capitalizing on understated resource value in real assets where value can be captured by engaging industry leading resource assessment firms to properly conduct an independent report on the asset

Working productively with creditors, shareholders, and other stakeholders to facilitate a financial or operational reorganization either in or out of court

Facilitate a generational transition of ownership for family owned businesses through good stewardship and reputation preservation


Finance strategic mergers or add-ons that materially change the business or to capitalize on an industry consolidation strategy

Provide capital, strategic, and operational expertise to empower management teams to execute business plans and exceed the potential of late stage venture capital and initial stage private equity companies


Support carve-outs and spin-offs of non-core operating subsidiaries

   Growth Equity

   Emerging Markets



   Resource Arbitrage




   Generational Transition

   Acquisition Financing


   Late Stage Projects


Anchor: Investment Criteria



(French) Translation: Balance; Equilibrium.


1. A condition in which different elements are equal or in correct proportion

2. An even distribution of weight enabling something or someone to remain steady or strong


Synonyms: fairness, justice, impartiality, evenhandedness, egalitarianism, stability, steadiness, equilibrium


New York

319 Lafayette Street #188

New York, NY  10012


1441 Brickell Avenue Suite 1400

Miami, FL  33131


Calle 67 No. 7-35 Oficina 1204
Bogota, Colombia 110231


Aaron D. Klein
Managing Partner

M: +1 (646) 824 7950


Anchor: Contact

© 2021 by Equilibre Capital LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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